
‘Wonderfully inventive… bewitching’ – Exeunt

‘I highly recommend it for its creative restlessness, its brash storytelling directness, the playfulness with props and puppetry, the magical placement of image, sound and music, its ability to play with scale and tale, its evocative atmosphere and its honest directness. Fresh and full of images that stay with me even now.’  ★★★★ – Fringe Review, Highly Commended

‘a playful combination of puppetry, lyrical writing, evocative music, physical performance and projection… some very good ideas and great work all around’ – Everything Theatre

High up on the Downs, the life of the city feels far away.  Anything can happen up here.   We’ve walked in grids, tried to be systematic, re-trace her thinking. But Sylvie Dee – eco-activist, self-appointed orphan and party planner for the whole estate – has disappeared. Completely.

Will you help us find her?

Spinning together lyrical new writing, vivid contemporary puppetry, rich video imagery and a beautiful original score, Blue explores a collision course between passionate conviction and the textures of the real world.  Part mystery and part elegy for the lives and landscapes around us, the production immerses the audience in a rich  theatricality to share a new story of the green in our roots and the blue in our hearts.

Audience comments:

‘You held me completely  – I have been in another world for a while’
‘Enthralling and thought provoking’
‘Fantastically  original, with beautiful emotional performances’
‘Stunning. I wish everyone could see this show’

Blue was developed at the Brighton and Barnstaple Fringes and at Prema Arts Centre and played at the SUSPENSE Festival of puppetry for adults, London, 2013.

Written by Beccy Smith
Directed by Darren East
Performed by Zoe Hunter, Joshua Varty & Darren East with Marie Fortune
Design by Paul Burgess
Sound Design by Foz Foster