
ArtAid is a nationally recognised project (shortlisted for the 2015 Children and Young People Now Awards) in partnership with CAMHS in Brighton and Hove that works with children and teenagers in care who are users of mental health services.  

The project uses contemporary puppetry, visual art and crafts techniques and film to engage with mental health issues in young people.

Young people are supported in improved self expression, grow confidence in building relationships, learn new arts skills (and can earn Arts Award) and increase their chance of staying in mainstream education.  

Strands of activity include:

Therapeutic Art Group

Working with teenagers in care, who meet weekly during term time. Recent project highlights have included a sold out performance at Hove Museum of an original show – Madtopia – welcoming audiences to the curious exhibition of one crazed scientist’s collection of emotionally damaged and fantastical creatures and an incredible workshop day where young participants turned workshop leaders to support younger children in care on a range of organic arts activities.


Intensive Summer Transition Group

Each summer we work with a small group of young people who are in the mental health system and also in foster care, and who are in transition from junior to secondary school. We work with them to create an original film using a range of puppetry techniques, puppet, set and costume making, filming and craft activities which culminates in a public screening for their carers and others across the local NHS and voluntary mental health services.


Me & You Group 

A group for young women at high risk of recurring self harming.  In 2017, this group focussed on puppet making as a metaphor for developing and exploring feelings of control and manipulation and has resulted in some of our most ambitious artistic creations.

Here’s a look at some of the stuff we’ve created through ArtAid:

Gallery 1

Gallery 2

Gallery 3